Finding yourself thrown off balance?
It's hard to feel stable in life when you're always being thrown off balance.
Resilience comes in many shapes and forms and we all have this within ourselves to utilise, yes at times we are going to need to dig deep to find it but we can, right? For example, what are your most important VALUES you have for yourself and your family to help get through this challenging time ahead of us?
Our beliefs also come into play, some beliefs may be old now and may need a new perspective, just as life changes so can our beliefs. To stop asking the WHY and WHAT IF questions and focus on NOW. We can eliminate the past and can change our future concerns hence eliminating two thirds of the problem. Therefore, if you think about each concern as being the first there is no anxiety from the past, you have eliminated the past and can change the future because the future can only be of positive experience.
Ok so you may be thinking easier said than done! Honestly, I've rolled my eyes trying to comprehend it, but firstly becoming aware of your inner thoughts is a great starting point - becoming aware of what triggers you and finding the necessary mindset tools to go from a negative to a positive state.
With stress being a recognised health issue, creating a relaxation zone really is in your best interest and not merely an indulgence. With all the uncertainty the Coronavirus brings finding some “Personal Space”, a chill out space in your home that is dedicated to calm and invites you to relax offers one of the best ways to destress and unwind. A few adaptations you can easily change a room or a corner to create mindful space that is your personal sanctuary.
According to a major research study, just five minutes of daily outdoor activity in any green space can significantly boost a person’s mood, self-esteem and mental health. Research found that exercising in wilderness areas or near water tended to have the biggest impact on mental state.
We may now be limited to outdoor activities but we can still revive ourselves in as little as five minutes.
This year is bringing us HOME in more ways than one and with it comes change.
Accepting not all circumstances are in our control, but how we react to something either on a conscious or subconscious level, we still react! With this change in our daily routines comes the opportunity to try something NEW.
Please have a look at my Wellness Challenge image below, by changing one thing you do every day allows new Stimuli – food for the mind!
Give it a go below and please provide me with some feedback. I want to hear what you can practice on a daily basis while getting through these tough times, and what RESILIENCE means to you!